Order On-line | Arthritis!? Dr. Joel Wallach Author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Colloidal Minerals Athletes Dropping Dead??
Have you ever heard about professional athletes dropping dead on the field? According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, 100,000 youngsters, as well as pros die each year from cardio-vascular disorders as a result of sports -THIS IS TWICE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE THAT DIE ON THE NATIONS HIGHWAYS! 45,000 of the 100,000 play basketball, not boxing or football. In hard exercise, people sweat out many of their vital minerals - not just sodium and potassium. Rigorous exertion without replacing lost minerals can be fatal. There are sports drinks that are supposed to replace nutrients lost during exertion, these would work fine if they had more than sugar, salt and potassium, and food coloring.
Dr. Wallach has a unique hobby, collecting MD obituaries. Here is one case: "A recent favorite of mine is Dr. W.T.N., 48, captain of the "Dream Team" of cardiologists who cared for the late Reggie Lewis, 27, captain of the Boston Celtics. (Reggie Lewis died of a cardio-myopathy heart attack. A simple computer search at the library would have turned up the large-scale study showing the only known reason for cardio-myopathy to be a simple selenium deficiency.)" "THE TROUBLE WITH MODERN MEDICINE IS THAT THE PROFESSION IS SLOW TO APPLY THEIR OWN RESEARCH". Guess who pays the price of ignorance?
"Dr. W.T.N. taught at Harvard, was cardiac expert for NBA, and finished the Boston Marathon three times. You guessed it- he died one and a half years after Reggie from the same type of heart attack. Dr. W.T.N. forgot that the human body needs something more than drugs, pacemakers and surgery. They both died from mineral deficiencies.
Exercise without complete and optimal supplementation is suicide! PART 1 PART 2 PART 3
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