If you are suffering with joint pain and you want to support your body, you might decide that the Pig Pak® or Pig Pak® Plus is right for you. The Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate EFA™ make up the center of the flower, the Plant Derived Minerals™ the stem, and Gluco-Gel™ and Osteo fx™ create the petals.
Alternatively, you could try SupraLife's™ Ultra Body Toddy® and Ultimate EFA™ for your "Mighty 90," (or the center of your flower), and have your petals be EQ Factor™ and CocoGevity™.
There are so many great combinations of our products targeted at thousands of health challenges. The Mighty 90™ systems offered by Youngevity® are basic nutrition "Starter Paks," containing all of the core nutrients needed by everyone and anyone! While the combination of the products in each Pak provide a powerful base for sustained health, ultimate wellness can be further supported with additional Youngevity® family products.