The Duck Pack/Sugar
Eze Formula. Dr. Wallach's Duck Pack Formula Even if you have a sweet tooth, this formula will help you. Check over the information in the "Pig Pack" formula because this formula is basically the same except that you add the Sweet Eze and definitely the E.F.A.
 This formula is great for anyone with low blood sugar.
5 oz. calcium rich orange juice (count the juice in your diet as usual) or water Take formula twice a day if you're over 120 lbs. Once a day, if under.
Ultimate Daily
Ultimate Daily® has a formulation that is so complete and convenient it
contains a full day's supply of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Suggested Use: 2 to 3 tablets per meal each day, or as directed by your
health professional. Supplement Facts
MINERAL TODDY - Essential Trace Minerals
Mineral Toddy contains the most complete, usable source of minerals this
planet has seen for centuries. From the mountains of Utah come the 7
major minerals and up to 65 trace minerals that are contained in our
sensational Mineral Toddy. Unlike other mineral products on the market,
Mineral Toddy contains at least 70 colloidal, plant-derived, trace and
major minerals.
The minerals found in Mineral Toddy are organically and negatively
charged, which means that the body is able to better absorb these
nutrients. The benefits of these minerals and a complete analysis of
Mineral Toddy are provided in the document "Why Mineral Toddy". "Why
Mineral Toddy" explains what the benefits of colloidal and plant-derived
minerals are, including information on organic verses inorganic minerals
and why it is important for the minerals be in a readily-absorbed form.
Mineral Toddy provides the full spectrum of trace minerals needed by the
body each and every day. Because Mineral Toddy only contains trace
amounts of the major minerals; it is recommended that Mineral Toddy be
taken with a full spectrum major mineral and vitamin product to achieve
Integrated Nutrition. Supplement Facts
MULTI-E.F.A. - Essential Fatty Acids For Optimum Health
Multi-E.F.A. has been specially formulated to provide your body with
both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Containing Flaxseed Oil, Borage
Oil and Evening Primrose Oil, Multi-E.F.A. is a balanced combination of
linoleic acid, gamma-linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachadonic acid.
Supplement Facts
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SUGAR-EZE - Nutritional Support For Glucose Metabolism
Sugar-Eze contains the nutrients necessary to aid the body in supporting
proper glucose metabolism. It has been extremely helpful for individuals
with blood sugar challenges and contains aspartic acid, bilberry
extract, chromium, vanadium plus additional nutrients important to the
digestion of sugars. Supplement Facts
Facts About Glucose Metabolism - Dr Wallach:
Our foods have been depleted of many of the nutrients we need each day.
On top of that, according to research, the average American consumes
roughly 150 pounds of sugar each year. Our bodies are not equipped to
handle such a huge load of sugar, and without the necessary nutrients in
your food, you don't have all the raw materials you need to break down
these sugars.
When you add to this the over-processing of our foods we have a real
challenge. For example, the wheat used for all baked goods is digested
by the body with the help of the mineral chromium. Unfortunately though,
by processing wheat into flour, much of the chromium found in wheat is
Although mother nature intended for the wheat to be consumed with the
chromium, so that it could easily be metabolized by the body, in our
zeal to make white flour we refine the wheat to a point where we've
altered it's composition and can no longer break it down properly. The
result of this poor diet can contribute to obesity, hypoglycemia and
Certain nutrients have been shown to assist in glucose metabolism. These
nutrients include aspartic acid, bilberry extract, chromium and
vanadium. Dr. Wallach's Ultimate "Duck Pack" Formula
Diabetics, Consult your Physician prior to trying program.
Duck Pak -
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