Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND
"If you don't see my face on the bottle, you don't know what you're getting | Order On-line | | Dr Wallach Youngevity Dead Doctors Don't Lie | Question - When will these Humic Shale deposits run out? Dr Wallach: The deposit is projected to last 500 years if we use it daily 1000 times more than we're now using it annually. Even so, in 1994, I began searching for other deposits of this material.
Be a Youngevity Preferred Customer and save 20% off Retail | | It's a long tough hunt, because right now this location in Southern Utah is the only known area on earth where harvestable levels of this material are found. You need very low rainfall, and the forests must be entombed by a glacier or volcano. To get those factors together in one place...well you're just not going to encounter it very often.
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