Dr Wallach's Answer to Calcium Deficiency Click Here To Order University studies have proven what was suspected for a long time, trace minerals are needed for optimal absorption and retention of calcium. A deficiency in calcium can lead to osteoporosis and brittle bones, and everyone is in desperate need of more calcium. Ultimate Cal contains the minerals that have been shown to improve the uptake of calcium. This is the choice for anyone who is concerned about not getting enough calcium.
exercise and a healthy diet with enough calcium helps teen and young
adult women maintain good bone health and may reduce their high risk of
osteoporosis later in life.
Adequate calcium intake is important, especially for aging bodies. Daily
intakes above 2,000 mg however, are not likely to provide any additional
benefit. Ultimate Cal® contains the minerals that have been shown to
improve the uptake of calcium. This is the choice for anyone who is
concerned about getting proper amounts of calcium.
All of us need extra calcium for good dental and musculo-skeletal
health. Ultimate Cal provides just that extra bit of calcium and
magnesium we are not getting in our daily intake of the Dr. Wallach's
Calcium as hydroxyl apatite is up to 20% more absorbable than most
chelated forms of calcium.
Dr Wallach's Famous Specialized Formulas
Selenium is a strong antioxidant thought to
protect against free radicals.