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Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND
Ultimate Selenium
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Go to Shopping Cart | Ultimate Selenium
 Lifts mood and reduces anxiety - Designed for high absorption. Selenium is a strong antioxidant which is thought to protect us against the ravages of free radicals. Added source of Bilberry Extract, Aloe Vera, Copper, Chromium, Vanadium and Zinc. Sources: University of Arizona study Double Blind "Gold Standard" U.S. Department of Agriculture & University of Brussels One bottle provides enough for a one month supply. Suggested use is 1 - 3 capsules with a meal or as directed by your Health Care Practitioner.
Ultimate Selenium #20971 90 Capsules -
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Selenium is one of the most documented and widely studied trace elements
known. Numerous studies have shown its importance to the body. For
decades, the importance of selenium was unclear.
Today, selenium is one of the most documented and widely-studied
trace elements known. Selenium is an essential nutrient to the human
body, which humans require, but cannot make.
These nutrients must be provided in the diet or in supplement form.
Selenium is also considered to have “anti-oxidant properties” which have
been identified by the National Academy of Sciences as “a substance in
foods that significantly decreases free radicals (e.g. reactive oxygen)
and reactive nitrogen substances (e.g. N-nitroso compounds)”. Vitamins C
and E are examples of other anti-oxidants.
Recently the FDA authorized the following health claims submitted by the
company and Dr. Wallach. Selenium may reduce the risk of certain
cancers. Some scientific
evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may reduce the risk of
certain forms of cancer.
However, the FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not
conclusive. “Selenium may produce ant carcinogenic effects in the body.
Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may
produce anticarcinogenic effects in the body. However, the FDA has
determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive.”
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