Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND
Ultimate Selenium
Become a Preferred Customer and save 20% off Retail prices | | | | Order On-line | | Go to Shopping Cart | Ultimate Selenium
 Lifts mood and reduces anxiety - Designed for high absorption. Selenium is a strong antioxidant which is thought to protect us against the ravages of free radicals. Added source of Bilberry Extract, Aloe Vera, Copper, Chromium, Vanadium and Zinc. Sources: University of Arizona study Double Blind "Gold Standard" U.S. Department of Agriculture & University of Brussels One bottle provides enough for a one month supply. Suggested use is 1 - 3 capsules with a meal or as directed by your Health Care Practitioner. Ultimate Selenium #20971 90 Capsules - | | Buy wholesale!
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