The residents of the Sierra Leone coast gave all they possessed, including their wives and children in exchange for salt because salt is an absolute requirement for life and because salt is not equally distributed on Earth and coveted by the have-nots, It is said by African tribesman," He who has salt has war."
There was also the interesting fact that in the old criminal law of Holland, a particularly terrible and much feared punishment was to restrict criminals to a diet of bread and water without salt!!!
Salt is known as the universal and most widely used food supplement and condiment. So great is the human craving for salt, and the relish of it that we are led to consider that a love of it is one of the most dominating of our natural instincts and that salt itself is in fact necessary to the health and even the life of man.
There was also the interesting fact that in the old criminal law of Holland, a particularly terrible and much feared punishment was to restrict criminals to a diet of bread and water without salt.
It is known as the universal and most widely used food supplement and condiment. So great is the
So great is the human craving for salt, and the relish of it that we are led to consider that a love of it is one of the most dominating of our natural instincts and that salt itself is in fact necessary to the health and even the life of man.
There was also the interesting fact that in the old criminal law of Holland, a particularly terrible and much feared punishment was to restrict criminals to a diet of bread and water without salt!!!l
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